This website simply lists interesting projects in Aberdeen relating to creativity, the web, making things, learning and digital stuff generally.
Back in the day Refresh Aberdeen used to run events in an attempt to give the creative, web and digital community in Aberdeen something to do following the demise of the Mighty Meetup. We ran both ‘refresh’ talk evening events and the Aberdeen arm of things like Global Service Jam and Code Retreat. Over time these other events took more of Steve’s attention, and the ‘refresh’ events took a bit of a back seat.
Since those days an increasing number of other folk have started putting on events, and starting projects that overlap our initial remit. Hurrah! No need to feel so guilty for the hiatus.
Now we simply aim to signpost the increasing amount of ‘stuff’ that’s happening around Aberdeen. If we’ve missed anything please get in touch.
You can email Steve at steve@refreshaberdeen.com
You can follow us on twitter @refreshaberdeen